November 25, 2019: Eric Clapton announces a one-time only concert to celebrate the life and music of Ginger Baker.

Daily blogs
November 25, 2019: Eric Clapton announces a one-time only concert to celebrate the life and music of Ginger Baker.
Tales of a Rock Star’s Daughter is Book One of a two-volume memoir that aims to take the reader on a hilarious, mad-cap ‘coming of age’ journey. This is the rackety early life of Nettie Baker, eldest daughter of legendary talent & notorious ‘wild-man’ Ginger Baker, drummer with the 60’s ‘super groups’ Cream and Blind Faith. Born into the poverty of a struggling musician’s existence, Nettie can clearly remember events covered in Ginger’s 2009 autobiography ‘Hellraiser’ (which she ghost-wrote).
The early days of Graham Bond when life-long friend, bassist Jack Bruce stayed over, through to the 1966 formation of Cream in the living room of the Baker family’s humble maisonette in Neasden. These recollections ferry the reader back and forth through the rise and fall of the family fortunes, taking in getting on stage with Rod Stewart, holidays in Jamaica, Eric Clapton’s 1979 wedding party, the vice ridden English polo scene in the 70’s, gangster John Bindon and the emergence of ‘punk’, along the way.
This is a nostalgic ‘pop culture’ fueled search for ‘lurve’ and identity that charts what it feels like to never really know in what part of society you belong. This is innocence replaced by cynicism, told in a blunt ‘Bridget Jones’ meets ‘Trainspotting’ style. One minute a 15 year-old Nettie is serving ‘Light & Bitter’ to ‘hard to get’ fit footballers in a North East London bar and the next she is surrounded by attentive stars and members of the Royal Family! Starting out in the 60’s in a run-down neighbourhood, then adjusting to mixing with children of wealth in the stock-broker belt. Then back again to realizing that all the wealth has gone, mucking out horses for money and ‘signing on’ in Thatcher’s Dole Queue Britain of the 1980’s.
Tales of a Rock Star’s Daughter is already receiving rave reviews and strong media coverage:
“Up until 6 am reading non-stop. Feeling slightly stoned now and there were times when I couldn’t remember who were the boyfriends and who were the horses. I remember going to see some polo ponies with Ginger once in their stables. Nettie must have been there ready to clean them up. Can’t wait for volume two.” Chris Welch
“I got mine a few days ago. Can’t put the book down. Nice job Nettie! Thank you. You father’s a very special man.” Stephan Chaney
Hear Nettie talking with Iain Lee on Late Night Alternative by clicking here
And Russ Kane’s WRS Interview here
Tales of a Rock Star’s Daughter is available directly from the Publisher here
For the UK only from here
For all media inquiries please contact: Gary Hibbert
After open heart surgery and a bad fall Ginger is miraculously recovering very well.
He called the day after his surgery to say he was OK. Albeit a rather disoriented and unintelligible conversation he was at least awake and aware.
The fall has resulted in swollen legs and feet which he is seeing his doctor about in the next day or so.
But although he is recovering, any performances in the near future seem over ambitious.
Welcome aboard as Squadron Leader Baker scrambles his crew to fly you to new musical heights and rediscover some old standards along the route! Originally formed late in 1969 after the demise of supergroup Blind Faith, Baker (formerly GBO & Cream) hit on the idea of reinventing the Big Band sound of his youth. After sell out debut shows in Birmingham and London’s Royal Albert Hall on 12 & 15th January 1970, many agreed in hindsight that Airforce 1 well and truly brought the African influence into the popular arena for the first time.
With a changing line up of star musicians, two albums, Airforce 1 and 2 were released in 1970, to critical acclaim that remains to this day. Now in 2015, after successfully touring with his Jazz Confusion, Ginger has decided wear his wings one more and travel in a new direction with blues, Africa, vocals, rhythm and harmony. Airforce 3, will feature previous material and add exciting new arrangements whilst showcasing new talent and collaborating with old friends.
Join us for this special club show, which precedes a bigger world tour planned in 2016.
Please extinguish your cigarettes and fasten your safety belts; we can promise you will have a fantastic flight.
Beware of Mr Baker will be showing in cinemas in the UK and Ireland.
Don’t miss Beware of Mr Baker with Ginger Baker at the Curzon Soho Q&A – May 9, 2013 – get your tickets here.